Miracle Mile Community Practice is an internationally recognized training site in narrative therapy.
Traineeships & Internships
We are a vibrant group of practitioners committed to a socially just approach to direct practice. If you are someone who is interested in considering power relations on a broad scale and what might be thought of as the politics of suffering you may have come to the right place. Inquiries are welcome throughout the year with start dates in January, May and September.
Are you interested in becoming a member of the MMCP team?
Each counselor agrees to maintain a minimum weekly average of 8 direct practice hours over the course of a 17 month commitment. Some stay beyond that time with an interest in extending training.
Supervision and Training
Trainees receive one hour of individual supervision and two hours of group supervision each week with a focus on narrative therapy. Additionally, there is a weekly 2-hour training block in narrative.
Become a training therapist at MMCP
Send letter and CV to David Marsten, LCSW, at: david@mmcpla.org