Terms of Service
At Miracle Mile Community Practice we appreciate and are ethically bound by strict standards of confidentiality. We carefully guard the information you share with us. As a training site, the counselors who are working towards licensure are required to be in both individual and group supervision. In these meetings information is shared with the intention of supporting the work you are doing together in therapy. It is only under the following conditions that we are legally mandated to share information with individuals or institutions outside the agency:
in instances of child or elder abuse
if you were at risk for doing harm to yourself or someone else
All communications between MMCP and clients is deemed confidential as stated under the laws of this state. There are risks with emailing and texting, including the transmission of information being disrupted or distorted by technical failure; the transmission of information being interrupted by unauthorized persons; and/or electronic storage of information being accessed by unauthorized persons.
Fee Statement and Cancellation Policy
The fee for the Miracle Mile Counseling Program is $90.00 per session. For those who cannot afford the full fee, we offer rates on a sliding scale to help make counseling more affordable. The fee will be determined in accordance with your income and ability to pay. While it is important to the continued success of the agency that people pay what they can, every effort will be made to arrive at a comfortable rate.
We ask that when you are unable to keep an appointment you notify your counselor 24 hours in advance. We will ask you to pay your regular fee for late cancellations and “no shows.”
In the event of a last-minute development (e.g., change in schedule, illness, car trouble) we still ask that you pay your fee. If, in a particular instance you feel inclined to question this policy, please speak with your counselor. They will bring your concern to the program director for further consideration.